Not every household may be aware of it, but copper corrosion in a home plumbing system is a common occurrence. It can be due to several causes and the extent of damages can cost billions of dollars annually. You will need to hire a professional plumber to get fix damaged pipes and drains. This article will tell us what corrosion in a home plumbing system is, why it happens, and how to fix it. 

What is corrosion? 

Corrosion happens due to physical and chemical reactions between water and the pipe material, leading to pipe failure as well as in appliances, fixtures, and water heaters. A copper pipe corrosion can also leave blue stains on fixtures, tubs, and sinks, and even tint laundry and blonde hair a shade of blue.

Copper corrosion can also be toxic and should not be used for drinking. If you notice any signs of corrosion on your pipes, do something about it immediately and hire a skilled plumber to help your damaged pipes fix. 

What causes copper corrosion? 

There are several reasons why copper corrosion happens. These include the following. 

Very low or high pH levels 

When the water pH level is low, it means the water is acidic that is less than 7.0 pH. It can cause rusting or oxidization and lead to blue stain marks on your sinks or tubs. On the other hand, high pH levels mean the water you have at home is alkaline and that it has pH levels greater than 8.5. High dissolved solids can also cause copper corrosion, which not only are bad for your fixtures but also for your health when consumed. 

High dissolved oxygen levels 

High levels of dissolved O2 mean it can hasten the corrosion process, make your water corrosive, and damage your pipes and plumbing system. 

Improper installation of piping 

Incorrect pipe installation can also cause copper corrosion and damage your pipes. This includes not de-burring or reaming the pipe ends properly, and/or using too much acid flux during the pipe soldering process. 

Presence of grit, sand, and sediments 

These substances can also cause pipe damage due to corrosion. When you see them, it is better to call a professional to help fix the corrosion problem. 

Presence of bacteria 

Iron or sulfate bacteria are some of the most common causes of copper corrosion. It causes the formation of hydrogen sulfide gas (smells similar to rotten eggs) and leads to the dreaded corrosion. 

How to get rid of copper corrosion on housing pipes 

Here are tips to prevent copper corrosion on your plumbing system. 

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