Most of us do not think about water heaters all the time. This is good because it means your water heater works just fine and gives you the hot water you need. Still, it is better to know at least the basics of how water heaters work. Likewise, you should also know when it is time to call a professional plumber to replace or fix your water heater. 

Types of water heaters 

There are four types of water heaters, which are the following: 


This is said to be the most popular type of water heater available in most homes. It is powered by either electricity or gas, the latter of which are more expensive but cost-efficient. Electric water tanks, on the other hand, are also efficient and with higher energy-factor ratings. It also comes in different sizes, between 20 to 50-gallon tanks.

On the downside, tank-type water heaters can only hold as much hot water at a time. This could be a struggle especially during high-demand times such as the winter season. It also tends to use up gas or electricity 24/7 (“standby heat loss) regardless of whether it’s in use or not. 


Unlike tank-type water heaters, tank-less are… well, tankless. Also known as on-demand water heaters, tank-less heaters are less bulky, compact, and installed on walls that can provide hot water for the whole house. Not only does it helps in conserving water but saves on electric bill expenses. 


This is another type of water tank equipped with an electric heat pump located at the top of the tank. It uses an evaporator coil and compressor to capture heat and then transfer it to the cold water. Owning a hybrid water tank can be expensive at first, but one can recoup the expenses after a few years. 


Point-of-Use tanks are also compact and less bulky than tank-less heaters and provide hot water immediately to a specific location such as the shower or bathroom sink. With this type of water heater, you don’t need to wait for hot water, saving you time and energy.

FAQs about water heaters 

Here are other commonly-asked questions about water heaters that will help you the next time you plan to buy one for your home. 

Is a traditional water heater better than a tank-less heater? 

While a lot of households still use a traditional water heater, more and more homeowners use tank-less heaters. For one, it is compact, cost-efficient, and has a longer lifespan than can last more than 20 years. 

Is an electric water heater good? 

Electric water heaters are popular due to their low upfront cost. On the downside, it would take some time to heat up and cost higher than a gas water heater. 

Can you install a water heater by yourself? 

Local codes or ordinances let homeowners install a water heater on their own. Just make sure to have an inspection done later on. There are a lot of resources online on how to do it by yourself. Better yet, you can hire a professional plumber in Franklin TN for peace of mind.

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