Ever had your peaceful morning ruined by a cold shock instead of the expected hot shower? Or have you found an unexpected puddle near your water heater? Curious about who fixes hot water heaters?

The answer is as clear: Pipe Master Plumbing – our family-run business in Franklin, Tennessee. 

Our team of experienced professionals knows how crucial it is to have consistent and reliable access to hot water for cooking, cleaning, or simply enjoying that soothing bath after a long day.

In this piece, we’ll guide you through everything from understanding different types of heaters, like electric and gas units, to spotting signs that call for immediate repairs or replacement.

We’ll even help shed light on DIY troubleshooting techniques for common problems like leaks and temperature inconsistencies!

Are you facing plumbing woes in Franklin, Tennessee? Don’t fret; call Pipe Master Plumbing now at 931-215-1693!

Table Of Contents:

Who Fixes Hot Water Heaters in Franklin, TN?

If your hot shower turns cold or you notice water coming from the heater tank, it’s time to ask: Who fixes water heaters? 

That question has a straightforward answer in Franklin, TN – licensed plumbers like those at TN Pipemaster.

A plumbing expert can handle all issues with electric and gas water heaters, whether it’s an issue with the pressure relief valve causing leaks or the heating element not keeping up with your hot water demand. Professionals in this field possess the necessary training to ensure top-notch service.

Why Call A Professional for Your Hot Water Heater Repairs?

Sure, some problems might seem easy enough to fix, but there are good reasons why you should let pros take care of things.

Firstly, working on a faulty heater without proper knowledge could lead to more severe complications. 

For instance, if you don’t use a non-contact voltage tester properly while trying to reset the button on an electric unit after a circuit breaker tripped situation, this could cause severe damage and even injury.

Secondly- dealing with high-pressure systems such as these requires special skills only trained technicians possess. 

If anything goes wrong during DIY repairs (like inadvertently damaging the drain valve), rest easy knowing that experienced professionals will know exactly what steps need to be taken next to prevent further damages, including the possible risk of flooding, which may result in substantial property losses due its impact upon home structures etcetera.

The Range Of Services Provided By Plumbing Professionals

You’ll get far more than just quick fixes when hiring experts like us here at Pipe Master for all kinds’ emergencies related directly towards maintaining household functionality amidst varying climatic conditions around Tennessee.

We not only fix hot water heaters but also provide routine heater maintenance. From flushing out the tank to testing pressure relief valves and replacing anode rods, we ensure your system works optimally for a long time.

If you’re looking to upgrade from an outdated model or considering energy-efficient alternatives, our experts are on hand to assist. We can guide you in deciding if it’s time for a new heater installation.


Key Takeaway: 


Not only do the experts at TN Pipemaster address problems with your hot water heater, such as leaky valves or failing heating elements. They’re also available for routine maintenance and can guide you if you’re thinking about upgrading. So, whether it’s an electric or gas heater giving you trouble in Franklin, TN, remember to reach out to these licensed plumbers.

Understanding Hot Water Heaters

If you’re in search of grasping the rudiments of hot water heaters, you’ve come to the accurate place. We’ll cover two main types: electric and gas-powered units, as well as traditional tank models versus modern tankless options.

Electric vs Gas Water Heaters

The key difference between electric hot water heaters and gas water heaters is their energy source. 

Electric models use electricity to heat elements inside the unit which then warms up your home’s water supply. 

On the other hand, gas models burn natural gas or propane to create a flame that heats your water.

Deciding between electric and gas models depends on your local availability, budget, and long-term energy costs. 

Generally speaking, electric models are less expensive upfront but cost more over time due to higher energy prices, whereas gas ones have a higher initial cost but cheaper operation costs. 

Lowering Your Water Heating Temperature can help save on these costs too.

Tank vs Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters, also known as demand-type or instantaneous heaters provide hot water only when needed without having a storage tank. 

They heat directly without using storage tanks leading them being more efficient than conventional storage-tank heater methods because they avoid standby heat losses associated with keeping a large volume of heated stored at all times within a ‘water heater tank’.

Apart from this key benefit there’s another big advantage. 

They can deliver continuous hot showers for everyone in the house since they aren’t limited by how much fits into one reservoir. 

This makes them a popular choice for larger households with high hot water demand.

The U.S Department of Energy recommends setting your hot water heater thermostats between 120°F to 140°F. Moreover, these heaters can deliver up to 75% of their maximum hot water output.


Key Takeaway: 


Understanding the types and workings of hot water heaters is essential. Electric models use electricity for heating, while gas ones burn either natural or propane gas. Although electric units are less expensive at first, they turn out pricier in the long run; conversely, it’s just the opposite with gas heaters. Tankless versions don’t have a storage tank but heat water as needed—providing limitless showers and superior efficiency by avoiding standby energy loss.

Common Issues with Hot Water Heaters and DIY Troubleshooting

Dealing with a troublesome hot water heater? Don’t fret, let’s take you through some common difficulties and how to resolve them.

Resolving Leaks and Water Temperature Issues

If your cold water supply is causing inconsistent temperatures or leaking warm or hot water, the problem might be as simple as a tripped circuit breaker. 

Check if it has tripped. If yes, resetting should get your hot showers back in no time.

A faulty pressure relief valve can also cause leaks. 

The good news is that replacing it is an easy job for any homeowner. But remember safety first. Always turn off the power before you start tinkering around.

Addressing Rust-Colored Water and Unusual Noises

Rust-colored water may give you a scare during your morning shower but don’t panic just yet. 

This discoloration often points towards an aging Anode Rod. Luckily this part can be replaced without having to buy a whole new unit. It’s like giving your old car new tires.

If strange noises are keeping you up at night, there’s likely sediment build-up inside the tank, messing with its peace of mind. 

To remedy this situation, simply drain and refill the tank – think of it as spring cleaning for your heater. 

The University of Georgia Extension offers great advice on maintaining household water quality.

Keep in mind that lukewarm water can be due to a faulty heating element. But you’ll need a voltage tester for that one. A bit more complex but totally doable.

The takeaway here is simple: not all hot water heater issues require professional help. With some basic know-how and safety precautions, many common problems can be resolved DIY-style.


Key Takeaway: 


Don’t stress about typical hot water heater problems – a lot of them can be solved with some DIY skills. Issues like tripped circuit breakers, dodgy pressure relief valves, or an old Anode Rod might be causing leaks and inconsistent temperatures. If your tank is making noise, it may need to be drained to remove sediment build-up. 

The Role of Licensed Plumbers in Hot Water Heater Repairs

When it comes to fixing hot water heaters, not all heroes wear capes. 

Some carry wrenches and have a wealth of plumbing knowledge under their belts. 

Yes, we’re talking about licensed plumbers – the real champions when your hot shower turns into an unexpected cold surprise.

Water heater repairs are no joke. An improper fix can lead to water leaks or even water damage, inviting unwanted guests like mold and bacteria growth into your home. You don’t want that kind of housewarming party.

In more serious cases, faulty repair work could result in gas leaks or electrical malfunctions. It’s similar to trying a new recipe without following instructions – you may end up with something edible (or perhaps not), but there’s potential for kitchen chaos.

The Importance of Hiring Professionals

A licensed plumber has gone through extensive training and possesses the necessary experience for any type of water heater service or repair. 

They know how crucial it is to use a non-contact voltage tester before touching anything electric on your unit; they wouldn’t dare reset the button without first ensuring the circuit breaker hasn’t tripped.

If issues arise such as excessive pressure build-up within your tank due to a malfunctioning relief valve, rest easy knowing these professionals won’t just patch things up temporarily—they’ll give long-lasting solutions.

Maintaining Your Investment

Your water heater is quite an investment—it’s responsible for keeping dishes clean, clothes washed, showers warm—essentially playing Santa Claus, delivering heated bliss throughout your home year-round. 

Therefore, proper maintenance should be at top priority so it can keep performing its duties seamlessly.

Remember, an issue with your water heater isn’t just about taking cold showers (though that’s quite a nightmare). 

It can potentially lead to severe problems like mold or bacteria growth, gas leaks, electrical malfunctions, and even damage to the unit beyond repair. So, next time you’re facing issues with your hot water supply, remember to call on these heroes of the plumbing world.


Key Takeaway: 


Fixing hot water heaters isn’t a DIY job, it’s for licensed plumbers. These professionals carry the necessary experience and knowledge to avoid serious problems like leaks or electrical malfunctions. They don’t just patch up issues temporarily; they provide long-lasting solutions that keep your investment safe. Remember, proper maintenance of your heater is crucial—it not only keeps dishes spotless but also ensures that clothes are thoroughly cleaned.




Regular Hot Water Heater Maintenance

Your hot water heater works hard daily, providing much-needed warmth for your showers and cleaning needs. But without regular maintenance, it might not be up to the task for long.

One crucial step in water heater maintenance is draining the tank annually. This process helps remove any sediment buildup which can cause damage over time. 

Plus, it allows you to check out your pressure relief valve – a key player in preventing excessive pressure build-up inside your unit.

Anode Rod Replacement

A lesser-known but essential part of water heater care involves the anode rod. Every five years or so, this sacrificial lamb should be replaced as its sole purpose is to corrode instead of allowing corrosion within your tank.

The replacement procedure may seem daunting at first glance, but rest easy knowing that once you get the hang of it, replacing an old rod becomes straightforward enough even for DIY enthusiasts.

Check Pipe Insulation and Heating Elements 

Beyond draining and checking on parts like rods and valves, insulating pipes makes a significant difference, too. 

It’s simple: insulation reduces heat loss through piping – meaning more hot water stays warm where we need it most (in our showerheads.). 

So don’t forget those pipe wraps next time you maintain heaters.

Last but not least: give some love to heating elements as well during routine checks. 

These are what heat up cold supply coming into tanks – ensuring they’re functioning correctly goes hand-in-hand with enjoying consistent temperatures from faucets around homes or offices.

Note: Water Heater Maintenance

Despite regular maintenance, hot water heaters will eventually need to be replaced due to leaks or temperature fluctuations. Look for signs you might need a replacement – like leaks or inconsistent temperatures.

Maintenance isn’t just about keeping things running smoothly today – but ensuring they do so well into the future as well. Let’s get to work and put in our best effort to look after what we possess.


Key Takeaway: 


Keeping your hot water heater running smoothly involves regular maintenance tasks like draining the tank yearly, replacing the anode rod every five years, insulating pipes for heat efficiency, and checking heating elements. But remember, all heaters have a limited lifespan – watch out for signs of needing replacement such as leaks or inconsistent temperatures. It’s not just about ensuring comfort today but also securing reliable performance for tomorrow.



Signs You Need to Replace Your Hot Water Heater

If you’re experiencing issues with your hot water heater, it might be time for a replacement. Do you know when it’s time to replace your hot water heater? Here are some telltale signs.

Your Heater is Over 10 Years Old

A well-maintained hot water heater can last up to 15 years. However, if yours has crossed the decade mark and started giving trouble, consider replacing it.

Leaking Water from the Tank

Finding puddles of water around your tank could indicate a leak. Leaks often occur due to internal problems that get worse over time. 

If water from its sides or bottom is leaking – not just dripping from pipes or connections – then replace your unit because these areas cannot be safely repaired.

Inconsistent Heating or No Heat at All

Suppose you’re getting lukewarm showers despite cranking up the thermostat, or there’s no heat. 

In that case, chances are high that either the heating elements have failed or the circuit breaker tripped in the case of electric heaters, while the gas control valve may need attention in the case of gas units.

Loud Noises and Rust-Colored Water

Noise beyond normal hum can mean sediment build-up inside the tank, which requires draining & refilling to improve overall water quality. 

Meanwhile, a rusty color signifies anode rod corrosion, which needs immediate replacement, or else it will lead to rusting out the entire tank soon after, causing more severe leaks.

While regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of most appliances including our beloved source of warm baths i.e., ‘Hot Water Heaters’, sure signs of aging and damage just can’t be ignored. 

Rest easy knowing professionals like TN Pipemaster are always ready to assist with their expert heater repair or replacement services, ensuring you never have to miss that hot shower after a long day.


Key Takeaway: 


If your water heater is over ten years old, leaking, or providing inconsistent heat – it might be time for a replacement. Also, listen out for loud noises and watch for rust-colored water, as these could indicate serious internal issues. Don’t fret, though. Pros like TN Pipemaster are always ready to help with their top-notch repair or replacement services.

Choosing the Right Hot Water Heater for Your Home

The process of choosing a new hot water heater involves more than just picking out the first one you see. 

When selecting a new hot water heater, there are various elements to consider, such as the amount and quality of water needed for your house and its energy efficiency.

One significant choice you must make is between tankless and traditional tank models. 

Tankless water heaters heat water on demand, saving energy but requiring a more significant upfront investment. On the other hand, conventional tanks store heated water ready for use but may lead to higher utility bills over time.

Tank vs. Tankless: A Comparison

Tankless units are ideal if your household has high hot shower frequency because they can provide endless hot water. 

However, their installation cost might be higher due to possible electrical upgrades or additional gas lines needed.

In contrast, traditional tanks have lower upfront costs but consume more energy, keeping stored water warm. If your family’s hot shower routine overlaps, these types could result in lukewarm showers during peak times.

Type: Electric vs Gas

Beyond deciding on storage type (tank or tankless), another essential consideration lies in fuel source—electricity or natural gas? Both have pros and cons that depend heavily on local prices and availability.

Electric heaters, for instance, generally require less space and simpler installation than their gas counterparts but typically take longer to heat up the same amount of cold supply feed – something worth considering when there’s a high hot water demand.

Gas heaters, meanwhile, heat up more quickly and can operate even during power outages. However, they require proper venting to prevent potential gas leaks – a safety concern not present with electric units.

Sizing it Right

For instance, an undersized unit may struggle to meet demands and wear out sooner due to overwork. But if your heater is oversized, it could lead to wasted energy because the excess capacity isn’t being put to good use.


Key Takeaway: 


When picking a hot water heater, consider your home’s water needs and energy efficiency. Also, consider if you’d prefer tankless or traditional models. While tankless heaters can give endless hot water, they’re pricier upfront. On the other hand, tanks are less expensive at first but might bump up your bills later on. And don’t forget about the fuel source – electricity is easier to set up and safer than gas, but it does take more time to heat up.

FAQs about Who Fixes Hot Water Heaters

Is it worth it to repair a hot water heater?

If the cost of repairs is less than half the price of a new unit, fixing your hot water heater can be worthwhile.

Do electricians or plumbers replace immersion heaters?

Plumbers usually handle immersion heater replacements. But if there’s an electrical issue, you might need an electrician, too.

Why is my hot water tank not heating up?

Your tank may not heat up due to faulty heating elements, a tripped circuit breaker, or sediment build-up inside the tank.

How do you troubleshoot a water heater?

To troubleshoot your heater, check for leaks and strange noises. Then, examine components like the pressure relief valve and heating element for issues.


So, you’ve ventured through the world of hot water heaters. You now know your way around both electric and gas units. 

Tankless or with a tank – it’s all clear.

You can spot signs for repairs in a jiffy and even troubleshoot minor issues alone! 

But when things get too heated (pun intended), you understand why licensed plumbers are crucial to solving more complex problems.

Regular maintenance is no longer a mystery but an essential routine that keeps your heater running smoothly for years. And if a replacement becomes inevitable? Well, you’re prepared!

In short, Who fixes hot water heaters? Professionals like us at Pipe Master Plumbing do – but with this guide, rest easy knowing you’re well-equipped to handle many common issues yourself!

Secure your home’s plumbing. Schedule an appointment with Pipe Master Plumbing at 931-215-1693 today!

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